Wednesday, November 12, 2008


The beautiful days of Autumn seem to be gone for the year. There are a few beautiful leaves on trees yet but most have made their way to the earth. We've had snow and icy roads already. So, even tho Winter isn't offically here for another month, it feels like Winter.
This is going to be a difficult Christmas for many with all the lay-offs, business closings, higher grocery prices and heating bills. More people than ever will be shopping at thrift stores and donation centers. I WANT this to be my incentive to donate as much as I can to the Rescue Mission and Salvation Army. I hope I can overcome my selfishness and DO THIS!
Part of me wants to quit being a Clutter Archivist and part of me says... what's the use.. you'll never get rid of 100 years of "stuff."

Friday, October 17, 2008

DAY 26 of FALL


Sometimes I wish I could turn off my brain. When memories come flooding in it is hard to stop them. There is a lot of stuff floating around in my brain that I would like to lose.

My friend Donnag said I could use this on my blog. It is an interesting concept and one that would be easy to use and maintain. From Donnag:

"I was reading a downsizing book today and it talked about the usual Memorabilia Box we all need to save our sentimental stuff. But, then it talked about a Hope Chest Box in another chapter!

The Hope Chest Box (and they recommend a NICE box, not funky cardboard) is for Future, not past. It is where we put things we take out of magazines that we might do in our house or build or sew or cook. Yes, the recipes torn out of magazines go in here. The idea is ONE box. So when it gets full, we go through and find the plans that no longer look all that interesting or do- able or the recipes that are too fat or too complicated. We all change as time goes by. This is better than the file folders cluttering up our cabinets and the kitchen drawers full of recipes and household hints. Plus we know where to go to look for it all. And no guilt, as we only sort it when it starts to fill up. This sounds like a plan to me!! The Memorabilia Box, of course is where OLD memories go, like birthday cards and tickets and whatever you save to remind you of past events. ONE box!! And purge when it starts to look full. This idea sounds good to me. I might make a pretty box with a nice Hope Chest Label on it and ditto Memories."

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Day 14 of Fall

Winter starts December 21, 2008 at about 7 am EST.
There are 47 days left for FALL CLEANING. (if my Math is right & it's not my strong suite)
I wish I knew how to calculate the hours it would take to clear out the clutter I wish to clear out. I have read in books that a closet can be cleaned & sorted in an hour. Maybe so if you just take out everything, clean, sweep and put it all back. My decision making mechanism doesn't work that fast.
Spring Cleaning took a week or two when I was growing up. We had wallpaper and a coal furnace. So, every spring the wallpaper got cleaned with "wallpaper cleaner." It came in gallon cans like paint cans and was usually green. I can still remember the smell. I kinda' liked it. We'd get a big handful and work it in our hands until it was soft & pliable. It was sorta' like modeling clay. Then, we'd climb the ladders and work from the top down. We'd clean all around where we could reach & then work the dirty parts to the inside and move to a new spot to clean. After the walls, it was wash windows inside and out and then curtains.
Most families had curtain stretchers to set up in the back yard. The lace curtains were washed & starched & put in the curtain stretchers till dry. The curtain stretchers had little nails all around the edges. They were sharp and it was easy to stick your finger. No blood on the curtains or they'd have to be redone!
All the cabinets, cupboards and closets were emptied and cleaned inside & out. New shelf paper put on shelves. Mattresses turned. Windows opened to let the house air out.
I never thought of my Mother as a saver. Our home was never messy. But, I was amazed to find out all the things she'd kept. Mostly my dolls, toys, books, school things. DISHES. She didn't save paper junk, old magazines, torn out articles, hobby junk, so that is why we didn't have a messy home. The things she saved were in boxes & put away in closets.
I don't remember any Fall Cleaning when I was growing up. Outside we cut back the peonies and rose bushes for winter, cleaned out the flower beds and stored the lawn mower and yard tools.
I am tired of being the host for so many things. At the same time I don't really want to get rid of the family things that have come to me. Some of them are just everyday things that probably weren't memorable for the owners. I just can't seem to cut the cord to being the Clutter Archivist. :(

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Lucky 13th Day of Fall

I have been trying to put my clutter into workable categories. Some categories will get very little culling while others need to be stripped to the bare bones.

I received the book "Buried in Treasures" this week. It is a workbook of sorts. I am hoping that by reading and doing the exercises I'll be able to willingly let go of more STUFF. I read that it is ARROGANT to take TIME for GRANTED. That is so true. I hadn't thought about it like that before. I know we talk about not taking TIME for granted & not to waste it. But, I can see arrogant is a good word to use.

My "December" days of life are getting closer. I do not want to leave all these things for my children to deal with. I want to pare it down so they only have the minimum to deal with. Of course we may move so I couldn't move 100 years worth of STUFF either.

Just keep the BEST; lose the REST.
So says the Clutter Archivist!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


CLOTHES are no doubt my biggest clutter next to paper! I LOVE clothes, shoes, hats, purses, jewelry. Some refer to that as a clothes horse. ;)
I have vintage clothing dating back to the 1800's. I have high school clothing of the 50's & 60's. I have clothes in the barn, in containers in a utility closet, over chairs, railings, and actually hung up in the closet~ !!
Professional organizers say... get rid of the clothes you don't like first. HUH? What's not to like? I don't buy anything I don't like. Get rid of anything that doesn't fit. Ok, there they have me! But... the sentimental side says "Oh, remember when we wore this to ...." or this material is so beautiful I just have to keep it to look at.
I have a new book "Buried in Treasures" that I hope will help me overcome this attachment to my clothing.
A lot of shoes have already gone to GW so that is a start. My hats are all in beautiful hat boxes sitting on top of two tall bookcase/dressers. Purses are in a closet all contained. I have started sorting the jewelry.
One of our spare bedrooms was being turned into a 'dressing room' for MY STUFF. Then, we had to put a bed in there which cut down on most of the available space. We took the sliding doors off the double closet so I could reach the double rods better and SEE what's in there.
Tip: paint the insides of all closets and cabinets gloss white so the light reflects better and you can see what's inside. Most people paint the closets to match the room. That is a mistake. White Gloss is the best. Especially for low cabinets under a sink or hard to see areas.
I guess I'm a Clothes Archivist as well as a Clutter Archivist!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008



"Oh, it's a long, long while from May to December
But the days grow short when you reach September
When the autumn weather turns the leaves to flame
One hasn't got time for the waiting game
Oh, the days dwindle down to a precious few
September, November
And these few precious days I'll spend with you
These precious days I'll spend with you"

I have always loved the melody of this song. Today I'm relating the words to my time with my Clutter as I say GOODBYE to it. Someday I'll be a Clutter Archivist no more!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Day Six of Fall

Another big category of dust collectors and space-robbers! I have 2 sets of china with coffeepot, teapot, sugar & creamer in the bottom of my china cabinet. Then I have the ones we use daily. I also have an inherited set of Blue Willow in the barn.
I have started going through the collectibles and taken some to donation centers. The less I have the more I can enjoy what I DO have.
Some collectibles are from our ancestors. Those I will keep and pass on. Family Museum Curator or Clutter Archivist?